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Station Headquarter Jobs in Pano Aqil Cantt 2020 VIEW AD IMAGE

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Position Naib Qasid
Post Date 26 June 2020
Last Date to Apply 20 July 2020
Source Express Newspaper
Categories Contract Govt
Office Staff Jobs
Other Jobs in Ad Naib Qasid
Department Station Headquarter Pano Aqil Cantt
Pano Aqil, Pakistan
Pano Akil Cantt 92, Sindh, Pakistan
Estimated Salary PKR

Station Headquarter Pano Aqil Cantt offered job opportunities for the positions of Naib Qasid. The pak army jobs in pano aqil cantt for naib qasid were offered on a contract basis. The jobs were advertised in the express newspaper. A pay scale of BPS-01 is being offered for the govt jobs in pano aqil cantt. Only male candidates are eligible to apply for the naib qasid govt jobs 2020. Candidates should be at least Middle passed from a govt or private school. Candidates having higher education will be preferred. A minimum of 01 year of experience in the relevant field is required for the govt jobs pano aqil. Applicants should also have been expert in his work and have the learning skills. Candidates will eb given a reasonable pay package with some other allowances so if you fulfill the criteria then apply now and get the benefit of the jobs in pano aqil cantt. Interested candidates meeting the criteria may submit applications to the address given in the advertisement. The last date for submission of applications is 20 July 2020.

Jobs is offered as Full_Time


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